Philipp Klopfenstein

Cartoon characters on T-shirts
Cartoon characters on T-shirts

Philipp Klopfenstein

  • > Day of birth: 09.08.1973
  • > Location: Homberg, Switzerland
  • > Profession: Architectural draftsman
  • > Website:

During a walk in the capital city Bern I happened to meet an airbrush artist, who demonstrated the art of airbrushing live. Enthusiastic by the seen immediately the first equipment was brought home, but got shrugged off into the cellar right after the first setback for a few months until it was finally used for what it was purchased. By my youthful enthusiasm of 22 years I started as a freelance designer barely one and a half years later and have never regretted this decision.

My preferred work and also speciality are cartoon characters on T-shirts. But also canvas or just anything that can not run away is welcome as painting surface.
Larger projects, such as the ''annual series'' (every day one picture) or the gallery of one hundred snails have also been procurable besides my commissions.
My second passion is organism paintings which are created completely free and allow a lot of room for interpretation.
Furthermore, I am often at fairs or exhibitions, where I preferred demonstate the airbrush technique on T-shirts and also love to give information about my work.